Originally Posted by TyleR
Excuse me? that layout is pretty nice, actually. Don't go bashing other people's work..how'd you like it if I went to you're site and said "oh, i wont join you're site because it looks like crap".
That wouldnt be so nice, now would it?
lol go ahead and go to my site and call it crap and not join. I don't give a damn. I manage my site quite well thank you. I have so much more less traffic than you claim to have, I have a dedicated server that costs me 99 dollars a month, and I have a monthly revenue of 400+ dollars a month right now. That's more than you can say right now isn't it?
If you want advice do what I say.
Turn off all the features that are not needed. The useless registration hack for starters.
Can you please give me one good reason for showing 500 names on the forum home of new members? What purpose does that serve?
Turn off automatic threadd view updates, remove whos online, remove whos online from forumdisplay and showtread as well.
Originally Posted by TyleR
Brent: Please stay on topic..nobody needs you're nonsense in this thread..Don't have something useful to say? then don't say it.
Have trouble seeing?
Either get a dedicated server that is meant to handle that traffic and his scripts he insists on running.
Remove the registration hack and all 500 members being displayed, optimize his forum settings, remove the who is online, turn off thread view counts.
There are many things he can do to keep his fourm online if he can not afford.
Someone with as much touted traffic as him needs to figure out how to profit fast or he will be seeing red for a long time
What do you want me to say?
Do you want me to kiss your ass and tell you you are doing a great job in my eyes? You aren't. It is crazy to have that hack installed on a server when you are
complaining about a host kicking you off due to server resources.
Think what you want. There is not a shared hosting company that is going to provide what you want. So stop wasting your time looking.
I have plenty of useful advice to give, just not what you want to open your mind too. You want a easy cheap way out without changing your site.
Have fun with the search. It will only lead you to many many server changes in your future, as you continue to get kicked off one company after another.
I recommend spending 150 a month for a dedicated server once you figure out how to make money.