I'm a little lost as to what the plan is going to be.
It's not that we don't appreciate the offers, we do, it's just that it's preferrable to have one we control.
Who is "we" and what exactly happens to the liscence if three months down the road everyone is to busy and decides to leave the project... is that liscence then lost in limbo? Does a random developer get to take it?
As for beta testing, don't we have a beta testing forum for hacks here where users can download the files and install it and give it a run? I understand that this is a complex hack but I have no issues installing a beta on my live site and providing bug fixes for issues we come across, as well as some new actions for that matter that we are planning to develop.
We could, as suggested earlier in this thread, do the upgrade ourselves from the 3.0 version but if we can't release it for those who need it, then whats the point of doing so and for that matter, why waste the effort in doing the work that someone else already did it?