Originally Posted by Wildthinks
i have test under 3.52 german and it's wonderfull...but a small bugs/questions.
1. How can all User (specificate in userperm that allow) list and search all tickets? (open/closed)
2. How can i implement that a email/pm is send to the staff which have assign to a ticket?
3. Seems a small bug, when admin open ticket the categorie and save it - cat is lost... where can i change it? In the dropdown are the default value not the selected cat...
4. Is there a plan to make a directory to select first the cat for ticket and then add a ticket... all tickets are listen for this cat and the new ticket assign automaticly the cat and a little bit better, when i set a default user - also assign the user...
Yes of course I will use it and also donate...when is done...
seems nobody interest it? Can help anyone?
Thanks Tom