Okay I'm having an issue when I click spell check it opens a window full of php gibberish, any idea's folks?
options['vbspell_allow_all'] OR is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, explode(',', $vbulletin->options['vbspell_use_groups']))) $vbulletin->userinfo['can_use_vbspell'] = TRUE; if (!$vbulletin->userinfo['can_use_vbspell'] OR $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == 0) print_no_permission(); $PersonalWords = array(); if (!empty($_COOKIE['vbspell_words'])) $PersonalWords = explode(',', urldecode(strtolower($_COOKIE['vbspell_words']))); require_once('./includes/searchwords.php'); // get search engine stop words, to save on queries. function MisSpelled($word) { global $db, $badwords, $PersonalWords; $word = trim($word, "'"); $partial = explode('\'', strtolower($word)); if (count($partial) > 1) $CheckPartial = TRUE; else $CheckPartial = FALSE; if (in_array($partial[0], $PersonalWords)) return FALSE; // User have "learned" this word elseif ($CheckPartial AND in_array(strtolower($word), $PersonalWords)) return FALSE; // User have "learned" this word elseif ($word === strtoupper($word)) return FALSE; // All uppercase, treat as abbriviation, might want to make this an admincp option.. elseif (in_array($partial[0], $badwords)) return FALSE; // Very common word elseif ($CheckPartial AND in_array($partial[0] . $partial[1], $badwords)) return FALSE; // Very common word elseif ($db->query_first("SELECT word FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "vbspell WHERE word = '" . addslashes($partial[0]) . "'")) return FALSE; // Found In dictionary else return TRUE; // probably mis-spelled } function Suggest($for) { global $db, $vbulletin; $for = trim($for, "'"); $WordList = array(); $SuggestedList = array(); $Suggestions = $db->query_read("SELECT word FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "vbspell WHERE sound = '" . addslashes(metaphone($for)) . "'"); while ($Suggestion = $db->fetch_array($Suggestions)) $WordList[$Suggestion['word']] = levenshtein($for, $Suggestion['word']); asort($WordList); reset($WordList); foreach ($WordList as $word => $distance) if ($distance <= $vbulletin->options['vbspell_levenshtein_distance']) $SuggestedList[] = $word; if ($for === ucfirst($for)) { foreach ($SuggestedList as $key => $word) $SuggestedList[