Originally Posted by aranthorn
This and the other issues reported that are related should be able to be fixed by modifying this:
==== Find in FORUMDISPLAY:
==== Add above
to this and it wiil list Forum Stickies then Personal Stickies then normal threads:
==== Find in FORUMDISPLAY:
==== Add below
or to this and it wiil list Personal Stickies then Forum Stickies then normal thread
==== Find in FORUMDISPLAY:
==== Add above
The attached image is of the first option. Oh, I also have a slight modification running that shows the old seperator bar, if you want it I found it on here somewhere 
This solution you come with doesn't fix what drumsy said.
This will only change the order of appearance (forum-sticky / own-sticky / threads)
What Drumsy was telling:
Once I want to personal stick a thread located at page 2 it only will show up as a sticky at page 2, and not at page 1, which forum-sticky does.