Originally Posted by Jenta
I strongly disagree. It's the least you can do for your customers. I problem is squarely on the staff and attitudes like that paint a negative picture. Wow, I need to actually do some work and solve everyones problem in one shot as opposed to 200 people PMing you. I would also mass PM everyone whos votes you tossed out and inform them kindly that you are sorry for the inconvenience and that they can vote again.
That's the right company/customer attitude to have!
And I am to do that how Jenta?
Attitudes like that" - Er, I gave you a way to do get your vote changed, the only way
I can actually do it, and you don't like that option - There is little else
I can do for you in that respect...
Wow, I need to actually do some work and solve everyones problem in one shot as opposed to 200 people PMing you." - This kind of attitude by you shows that you really have no respect for me as a person, and ignoring the fact that I am
not an Administrator (therefore unable to offer you any other avenue of achieving your goal personally), I offered the only way I could possibly change the votes of those who wished to re-vote - Next time, I won't be so generous as to take up my time to add a number to a vote count by editing the poll manually...
And aside from your beliefs, I again re-itterate that that is the only solution
I can offer you...
You forget that I am a customer as well, probably at least 2 years before you were - While my moderator duties are representative of Jelsoft to a
certain extent, what I offered, was a
personal effort on my part to help users who wished to re-vote get their say...
As always, this post expresses
my opinions and thoughts and not those of Jelsoft or the vBulletin.org staff...