hey -- I'm trying to hack your hack, and could use some help..
The idea is to allow users in some groups to chat anytime, and others can only chat sunday after 18:00 hours...
so I hacked up your code like this...
(unfortunatly, since it don't work, this is a literal interpetation)
PHP Code:
if (date('D')=="Sun" and date('G')>=18)
$GLOBALS['vbulletin'] = array(
'cookie' => $config['Misc']['cookieprefix'],
'prefix' => $config['Database']['tableprefix'],
'sessupdate' => true, // Update vB session table when user speaks.
'users' => array( 2,11,12,14 ) , // vB usergroups allowed access to chat.
'customer' => array( 0 ) , // vB usergroups allowed access as customers.
'mods' => array( 5,7,8 ) , // vB usergroups allowed access as chat moderators.
'admin' => array( 6 ) , // vB usergroups allowed access as chat administrators.
'banned' => array( 1,9 ) , // vB usergroups banned from accessing the chat.
{$GLOBALS['vbulletin'] = array(
'cookie' => $config['Misc']['cookieprefix'],
'prefix' => $config['Database']['tableprefix'],
'sessupdate' => true, // Update vB session table when user speaks.
'users' => array( 11,12,14 ) , // vB usergroups allowed access to chat.
'customer' => array( 0 ) , // vB usergroups allowed access as customers.
'mods' => array( 5,7,8 ) , // vB usergroups allowed access as chat moderators.
'admin' => array( 6 ) , // vB usergroups allowed access as chat administrators.
'banned' => array( 1,2,9 ) , // vB usergroups banned from accessing the chat.
I'm just getting a blank page when I try to log into flashchat.
It don't work, and I can't figure out why!!
any help would be appreciated!!