Not sure if this is even possible, but it'd be nice:
What I'm trying to do is move the champion stuff from the thread into the user's profile. I may leave it in the thread, but I definitely want to have a copy of it in the profile. Is this possible at all?
Also, a little addition to the hack, not that much really. With the number of games I have found out there, and put on my site, one random game doesn't cut it. So, I made a (minor) modification to allow more than one game to be randomly displayed... Here's the code for those that want it, really a simple hack:
in arcade.php you will see something like
$DB->query("SELECT g.gid, g.gtitle, g.gname, g.gcat, cat.password FROM ibf_games_list AS g, ibf_games_cats AS cat WHERE AND g.gcat=cat.c_id AND trim(password)='' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
change that to:
$DB->query("SELECT g.gid, g.gtitle, g.gname, g.gcat, cat.password FROM ibf_games_list AS g, ibf_games_cats AS cat WHERE AND g.gcat=cat.c_id AND trim(password)='' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT INSERTNUMHERE");
Personally, I use 15, but I've got a good bit of games on the site

Now, if you want more than say 5, you will probably want to remove the image display and show the game names only. To do that, this one's just as easy:
$ran_games .= "<a href='".$ibforums->base_url."act=Arcade&do=play&gameid={$rangline['gid']}'>
<img src='arcade/images/{$rangline[gname]}1.gif' border='0' /><br /><br />{$rangline['gtitle']}</a>";
And replace with:
$ran_games .= "<a href='".$ibforums->base_url."act=Arcade&do=play&gameid={$rangline['gid']}'>
{$rangline['gtitle']}</a><br />";
Again, not much, but it's more than nada , right ? :P