My first reaction is 'who cares'? If you dont like it, change it or don't use the hack. Borgs has a valid reason for using it as such on his site and whether any one else agrees with it or not it obviously sits well with the members at his site.
Why should a word, for thats all it is, have such power over you? Why are you giving up control of your life and your sense of self to another simply because a word is mentioned?
A girl can be overwieght and called fat and ugly all her life... does that mean she shouldn't hold her head up high with the respect and confidence of all that she has achieved in her life simply because she over hears someone use the word fat? I think not.
Going back to my rant
As for the "Boogers didn't kill millions of Jews" comment, should we ban the use of other terms like German since thats where the party started and some may find it offensive? How about African Americans which make up a large percentage of men jailed in the US? We could keep going but at what would be the point? I think freedom of speech means having the displine to hear without having to react.
"Unlike the Germans who were fighting to expand their empire"
Who first started fighting because of the heavy penality impossed on thier forefathers for WWI were leaving them destitute. Like them or not, they turned Germany from what was a third world country at that time ot a first word country.
Not to say I support or endorse thier actions, but the point could be argued with merit from both sides