I just sat here and read each post in this thread and then went and viewed what has been deemed as controversial. Like everyone else, I too have an opinion.
The manner in which those words were used I find ignorant on the authors behalf. Using such words in an environment like this was not needed and displays a complete lack of character on the authors part.
I don't believe that the author has broken any rules though. The words are not being used in a derogatory manner. They are not being thrown at anyone nor are they "calling" anyone those "names" in a manner where flaming could be attached to their use.
Niether of those words bother me as I know what each of them means. I do find his use of them to be childish considering there are thousands of words that could have been used in those examples.
Everyone is going to have a different opinion on what words may or may not be appropriate. If no one is being directly accused of being a commie or a nazi and the words are being used as "wrap around text" (very distasteful for the record), there has been no rules that have been broken.
The author of the mod has bad taste in how he wanted to represent his modification and possibly needs a lesson on respect for different cultures, but he certainly didn't break any rules in the manner he chose to use those words.
Personally, I think a stand up guy that WASN'T trying to offend anyone would just change the 2 examples so this thread can end and no one feels offended. Keeping the examples there isn't doing anyone any justice and changing them won't hurt his modification. It would be a win - win fix and this thread goes away.
Thats my 2 cents on this. Just change the images and everyone is happy. leaving them there is just being antagonistic at this points and does not display good character.