DAMN, you guys forget a few minor things. Everyone of these coders have real jobs. They do this because they enjoy doing it and the biggest virtue of all, THEY DO IT FOR FREE, and distribute it for us to use. I would suspect the biggest reason for decline in the amount of hacks being distributed anymore is due to the lack of respect given to these hard working individuals. All I hear is "I want this" - "I want that" - "Common guys, it can't be that hard...fix it". Jeezuz....if you want it that bad and it is not that hard, then do it yourself or Pay someone to do it for you. But for someone to come on here and start bashing these guys and comparing them to IBP is BS. If there is a BUG in their code, state it so they can fix it...if there is something that you would like to see added, then state it so so they can maybe work it into the next version, but don't tell them that their hack sucks or they are ripping someone/something off. Hell, if I was one of them, I wouldn't bother doing hacks either if I was constantly getting criticized.
Think about that the next time you start bashing some of these guys. Instead, tell them thank you for all of their work so YOU can reap the benefits on your sites that you use them on.
Sorry that I steered this thread off in a different direction, but I am starting to see this more and more and it just got the best of me.