I apologise if I've missed a post explaining this, but I am having some trouble with some custom bbcode that I have added to my forum.
I have set up a custom bbcode via a hook that parses everything within a certain bbcode tag from a html source to a readable table ie. people paste in the html source of the page to be parsed within [tag][/tag] and then it converts the information from this page into an appropriate table form.
This works fine, the only problem I have is with the wysiwyg editor. It produces the table from the tags when previeweing or editing a post with the [tag][/tag] in. Then when you submit the post with the table "in situ", it is stripped out and all the nice table formatting is destroyed.
Is there anyway to get round this? I saw this post
I tried adding the comments, but it still doesnt work out correctly since there is a lot of html source between the [tag][/tag] that is removed anyway, and I'm unsure how to get the editor to work in the same way as it does for say [code] [html] or [php] tags.
Any insight appreciated, I hope this is clear, it is kind of difficult to explain