It may be a loosing battle but that does not mean that oppinions do not matter. I don't know about yall but if I was to just go in and cut off a winning part of a poll in the middle of a poll with no rules to back it up my membership would chop my head off does the admin team here even know what spamming is by def:
To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups
1) Not making or based on careful distinctions; unselective
2)Random; haphazard
3)Confused; chaotic
4)Unrestrained or wanton
OK Now correct me if I am wrong but this does not define what was done by Mr. Zero at all. he selected his people that he sent an Email to very carefully from a list of beta testers. That would not be defined as SPAM by any sane minded person. So I to believe that someone needs to take a closer look at the Large mistake that has been made by the Administartion here to Mr. Zero and the other past people that this has been done to.