Originally Posted by SMO
so this is what worked for you in exact form?
<form name="form1" method="post" action="portal.php?page=bf2stats&">
so mine..in my case should be
<form name="form1" method="post" action="index.php?page=bf2stats&">
bc that isnt doing anything for me..still same error
That's what worked for me. However, when I installed VBA_CMPS, I installed it in the same directory as my forum. I visited your site, and I see that yours is setup in the root directory, and your forum is under the forum directory. Not sure that my workaround will actually work for you since the paths will not be the same. Most likely, there will be other areas you will have to change in the bf2stats page in your VBA_CMPS. I notice the authors setup is the same as mine, that's probably why it works for me as I stated above.
Sorry if I got your hopes up, but that's what worked for me at least... The way to find out exactly what path it is using, is type in your PID, then click the submit. When you get the blank or invalid page, study the address that is in your "Address" bar of your browser. That will tell you exactly where the submit button is trying to take you.