Originally Posted by AWI
Nope, but the point is it's bad business either way you look at it. Discrimination on any level is bad and it doesn't matter if it's the law or not. The guy just wanted to buy an overpriced product to help better his site and what he enjoys doing. Sure the seller has the right to say no or restrict things like this...I think we can say we covered all aspects of this subject and can lay it to rest...my opinion is that it is wrong and bad business...thanks for reading 
I guess bad business is good business to them? Like I said they seem to be doing pretty well
The software is fairly priced as well. The only people that complain are the ones with new sites that can not afford it. Honestly if your site is new you don't need this anyway, you got other things to spend your time and money on.
Originally Posted by ConqSoft
Then why do you use vBulletin, since they discriminate and won't sell to sites that contain illegal material?
but but but! That is different!