Originally Posted by GoTTi
Look brad, seriously . This hotm is corrupted. If my hack was in here i personally wouldnt want to win. It would be a i won because the better hack got removed, or i won in a totally unfair vote. Literally ibproarcade was unwarned. From what i have experienced on my forums, when you want to kick some one or warn him you either warn him using infernos hack OR you pm him a warning to stop. Now youll say: but what if he has already pmed it to all his hacks installers? Well heres the answer to that , its NOT his fault if he did. Theres NO rule saying he cant. Mabye tamarians hack got removed and mabye he KNEW that rule. But the maker of this arcade didnt. That makes this a curropt poll. From what im reading i also know th admins of this site are stubborn fools , that cant bring them self to either apoligize for their mistakes of not posting the rules, and further more they just dont want to feel they did something wrong. Seriously if you dont want to cancel this hotm, remove the OTHER arcade. That way the other two guys left cna have a fair vote. And then have the two arcades for the next one. That way itl be fair for all of these guys. Thats all i would like to say
No hard feeling
Sorry for the spelling errors im in a hurry.