Originally Posted by Brad
Any business can refuse you service for any reason. Don't get me wrong, they can't go around saying 'We won't sell you x because you're black/mexican/white/etc' but they can refuse you service because you 'look funny' or they don't agree with certain things you do (in this case smoking/running a site about cannabis).
Compare it to a glass blower. I'm sure if he gets an order from a DEA agent for a glass bong that he isn't going to make it because the buyer is a 'pig'. Same thing.
So you are saying if I go into Best Buy wearing a marijuana t-shirt or if I "look funny" then they can refuse to sell me their products? Technically we all can do whatever we want to do...it's just sad that some have to force their beliefs/opinions on others and discriminate to do so. And for the record the vBSeo servers are in New Jersey and therefore business is conducted in the US. Don't get me wrong everyone brings up great points..I just like to throw my 2 cents in