Originally Posted by AWI
Short and simple reply..I gotta get some more work done...
The adwords you pay for do not go on your site..Adsense goes on your site...read my post again
!= I missed it..my bad
it's been fun.... 
Adsense goes on your site.
Work with me here
If google allows Porn and Gambling sites to use Adwords guess what?!?!
If you have adsense on your site... guess what ads will be shown?
If someone came to my site and wanted to purchase advertising for a gambling site then I would turn them away because I do not want gambling ads on my site. I am selling a service: Advertising on my site. I have a write to turn down who I please. How is it any different when someone comes to me with money for a SEO hack and I turn down their money because I do not want my hack associated with a porn site!
and please for the love of god answer me why they must allow their product and their name to appear on a porn site that is against their religion, against their beliefs, just because they want it and have money?!?!?!