Wow you got the answer for everything Brent lol j/k...first off read what I wrote again
I really can;t think of any other product online that you buy that give stipulations on what kinda site it can be used on...
You don't put hosting on your site you put your site on the hosting...
Adsense is not a product..and you don't buy it
Second you said
Someone can make a product, that represents them as a company, and they should have a right to control who uses their product and how the person uses.
And now you say nope that is racist and discrimination..well you can't discriminate another persons creed either....
You also said Business ethics = Law..I'm not sure what you mean by to explain because last I knew business ethics was how a company is run and how they target their products and services.
Still illegal on Federal level and still going through the Supreme Court with a very bleak outlook
True it is still illegal but the ordinance is there to back off the police from focusing attention on marijuana users and go after the real bad guys/girls. The police can still arrest you if they want but chances are they will not.