Originally Posted by rjordan
Wow, LEAD, still going after me? All I did was take an example from the same post that is in ibProArcade's thread. Thus the "What's good for the goose" lead-in. I also noted that they should vote for that or "(or other modification)".
So is there an explaination for removing ibProArcade from the list? I cannot find anything regarding PMs either. Lack of staff response is disturbing. By all accounts, if it is against some rule somewhere, it is not posted predominantly enough for everyone to see and the PMs sent to his own people involved with testing, etc. should not count against the ibProArcade script.
Staff, can we get some sort of response to let us know you have some sort of justification behind this?
I went and took a look at ibProarcade, it is not saying to vote for ibproarcade for HOTM, only the best free arcade for December HOTH. In your post it shows to vote for v3arcade and the other's, but you can only vote for one and not the other's

Anymore unwritten rule's the members here should know about, I hate to see this go on & on. :devious: