Originally Posted by Paul M
That's not fair to the rest of the December participant's, or those that will be in January's.
Not entirely true on the December side, seems the runners in it was either arcade, if one of them hadnt existed it would have been as it is now (but with a lot more votes on the one most likley), as I pointed out earlier when one of the main runners is removed for a breach of an unwritten rule the other which will likey win now cannot consider the win a victory as it has no fair competition, Besides which I remember the v3arcade for v3 which romped home last time and was pimped rotten, a whole lot more than a PM to a select few of the testers and developers. If i remeber correctly it was pimped on the v3arcade forums, it was pimped in its thread and I am sure I got a v3arcade.com email pimping it aswell. I really see nothing wrong with a single mail/pm as a reminder theres a HotM comp, spam to me would be something like one a day on the same subject.
The January side yes it would be quite unfair to block in this months into next. The end result is there is no Dec 2005 HotM as there cannot be any fair or reasonable outcome now, whatever is permitted to continue.