Originally Posted by rjordan
From everyone's coments here, would vb.org consider calling December HotM a dead issue with no winner? If so, would you be willing to allow all entries another run in January?
i'm with rjordan with that...
i think that this flaming have gone too far, and this HotM thing is now out because there is now a serious lack of support/answers from the staff...
i really think that the vb.org guys need to interact a lot more when some decisions like that are taken... that would be a simple proof of Real Public Relations...
EDIT: oh, and i think of this... if vb.org guys are too occupied or absent for the season, maybe a GOOD announcement is welcome here... because i think they deserve their vacations, but actually we're not aware of any, so a lot of other guys will continue arguying with no echoes.