Originally Posted by Chris M
And, regardless of this, there is also the main site rule, the relevant part bolded:
1.3 No "Spamming": Please do not double post or cross-post the same message in multiple forums. You will not mass-PM or mass-email multiple members of this site the same message. You will not post for the sake of increasing your post count or hack count.
Then I should be warned/banned for doing that, but not remove my Hack from this poll
Anyway, this is somehow ridiculous, as stated before other Hacks got promoted via Email and nothing happened, so "due to the removal of a few hacks this year for breaking the same rule" seems not to work everytime.
I even have no chance, in some situations I have to PM the same text to multiple users, like I did when spreading the Link to a new Test-Version to all Beta-Testers during Develoment of ibProArcade ...
I am looking forward to get this answered:
As for a link to the HoTM rules, I believe there was one somewhere but I cannot find the link at this time
as I believe there really is no such rule.
It was no spamming, no mass-PM or anything like that for getting any votes !
I even did and do more PMs when a new Beta-Version got released ect.
I think this decision is not good for community and not good for me either, I am not feeling well this way in this community and ready to grab my cases