Originally Posted by Jenta
I think this decision should be reversed. We await staff comment.
Even if they now reverse, there are currently 14 votes that got added to v3arcade while there was no choice for ibProArcade - nobody knows how many of that 14 would have voted for ibPro, so the whole Voting is somehow unfair now anyway
I should be reset to the point it was before deletion (ibProArcade was 20 votes ahead) or should be deleted at all, that is what I think is fair...
But I think the staff will think about all that
@Sooner95, MissKalunji and other Testers:
As I told before I even did not sent that PM to all Testers, just to few ...
Originally Posted by Jenta
How about hacks with 3rd party support sites? How do we know what goes on there? Especially in the private forums.
Yes, never thought about that - they even can promote their product in small, seperate community while I do only have a single Thread here on vb.org with the Hack itself :surprised: