This is the information I have:
Originally Posted by Erwin
Thanks for letting me know. You realise that you may be disqualified from the poll for doing that.
Originally Posted by MrZeropage
Originally Posted by Erwin
Just letting you know that sending PMs to members to get them to vote is considered "spam". So please don't do it again.
Thanks for understanding.
Originally Posted by MrZeropage
Hi there,
I did not spam around, I just picked exactly 17 people, all Beta-Testers from ibProArcade or some few guys I helped setup their Arcade in their forums, and sent them a simple "did you vote already?", nothing more.
Those Receivers where:
[...] removed the 17 names for their privacy, they can be found in the ibPro-Thread [...]
No more PM got sent, and of course I won't send any more!
It was just Paul_M who seems to be a fan of another Hack there who got angry about that reminder, I am sorry.
If I would have PMed all Testers, Developers ect. it would be loads more, but I won't
BTW: Got my last PM ?
and then I got
Originally Posted by Chris M
Hi Mr Zeropage,
I hope you understand but the staff have come to a decision to remove your hack from the HOTM poll...
While your intentions are not as questionable as previous people, rules are rules, and if we allow your hack to remain in the poll, others who have done similar things in the past may get upset if we allow your hack to continue to be a part of the poll...
This is also to deter future HOTM hack authors from thinking that just politely reminding or asking their friends to vote in the HOTM poll for them is allowed...
If you wish to contest this, please take it up with the Administration here, but like I said the staff have decided that it should be removed...
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news :ermm:
I asked for any Link to where I can find that information that any PM, Reminder ect. is forbidden, but got no answer yet.
As stated before other Hack-Authors even emailed around and nothing happened, and you should think about all the other ways to notify people of such a vote: messenger, mail, pm, other forums, chats ect.
Just remember what if now PMs or anything else appear to inform v3arcade-users about the HotM-Vote, would that also remove this Hack ?
I think this is ridiculous, everybody should know on his own what to vote for, the only thing I agree that any kind of Spam has to be kept out of, but as long nobody is spamming around it should be ok ...
I am now waiting for the Link to the Rule where it says that those PMs for HotM-Votes are forbidden. If there is none, I (and even some more users here I think) ask the Team for the base of their decision ...