Originally Posted by nitro
There are lots of CMS/CMPS's around, between them all its probably the most popualr addon to have. I dont think Jelsoft will ever add one now unless they purchase one and I wonder if they would do that even becasue there is so many, It wouldnt be viable as a seperate venture/product, & adding one to vb as an included product would possibly bring more harm than good because there are now so many alternatives.
IMO a Jelsoft CMS has been left too long that its unlikely to happen now.
Why would they buy one if they could code their own?
I think they will come out with one... Scott already said they have a system for keeping track of features and such on all the things their working on (though
what that is hasn't been said). Linkage here in case anyone's interested:
So,,, I say we shall wait and see. I seriously down Jelsoft as a company is sleeping (as Scott also mentioned); I think they're just waiting until the time is right before they slam down competition.
I remember reading what someone said once: Just when you think they're behind, they do something that blows competition out of the water--or something to that effect. I'll wait and see where 2006 takes us...