Like Chris said we have plans to combat this that have been proven to work in the vB2 days. There is no need for moderation imho, we just have to deal with the support threads until we upgrade.
all these threads related to the bad structure of the hacks portion will be answered AS SOON as the HACKS DATABASE is up and running, with the site upgrade (ok, christmas 2008!)
I understand everyone wants this to get done, but begin an admin yourself I'm sure you can understand that some things just don't happen overnight.
Get more damned people to sort through your threads!
I have not seen any threads that took to long to be moved to the proper section. I'm sure we may miss one or two, but most of them get sorted as soon as a mod sees them. Also remember that this time of year people are busy with the holidays coming, so things might be a bit slower on the moderation side of things for the next week or two.