The code Psionic posted assumes you've set your forums up to always allow bbcode and you only want to disable it for users that are in a specific usergroup. IIRC your requirement was the other way around.
The foreach loop is also useless since it is unnecessary to use a foreach loop (one already exists in is_member_of).
The best way, is to either use the code i posted (which will disable all img codes for everyone except special users in a specific usergroup - regardless of the settings of the forum)
PHP Code:
if(is_member_of($this->registry->userinfo, X)) {
$dobbimagecode = true;
$dobbimagecode = false;
, or set all forums to disallow images and use (where x y and z are special usergroups, just remove them if you only want one)
PHP Code:
if(!is_member_of($this->registry->userinfo, X, Y, Z))
$dobbimagecode = true;
All code we're talking about belongs to the plugin bbcode_parse_start.