I have uploaded a second beta 2.1.1 into the first post in thread for testing and comment.
The only difference between this and the first beta is that the integration with user profiles has been redone, so that it is possible to connect LDM with any user profile field, see discussion between TundraSoul and me.
If you installed 2.1.1 beta 1, you must uninstall before installing the second beta
New features in 2.1.1 over 2.1.0:
Admin pages give better information when invalid parameter settings entered
Default permissions for new links taken from parent category rather than global default_forumid
Daily user file download and bandwidth limits available
File uploads retain their name when downloaded
New *cat_cols_display* setting controls # columns in catlist
New *can_save_musicbox* permission defines whether users see the open/save as hyperlink for Jukebox media files
QuickTime plugin included in Jukebox - *Warning* - if upgrading LDM, manually remove "mov" from *musicbox_filetypes_realplayer* filetypes
'Update to current time' checkbox added to Edit Link form
Uploads of thumbnail images available
UserProfile integration (off by default, set *profile_integration* to 1)
- 'Show MySearch' driven by parameters in User Profile
- Enable showing user's recent LDM hits in profile
Users with *can_moderate_link* can change (Ajax-enabled) name of user who submitted entry
Bugs fixed
- Phrase order in browser title changed to match VB's format
- Some unnecessary links removed from the Jukebox display
- Hard-coded phrases moved from plugins into phrases file
I have also translated the instructions file into html - see the /manual subdirectory in the zip file.
Please note:
- User Profile integration is not switched on by default - you need to set *profile_integration* in the admin settings. Then edit your profile - you should see two new items - 'My LDM Search' and 'My Recent LDM Hits'. Try putting some keywords into 'My LDM Search', then go back to LDM and use Show/My Search. Go to Quick Links/My Profile and you should see the last five items you visited/downloaded.
- File download and bandwidth settings are controlled by a new submenu item on the admin menu
- I have split up local_links.php into two files (local_links and local_links_search). Possibly in the process there are menu commands which don't work properly - please exercise these to look for bugs.
- There are some new phrases which need translation into French, German and Spanish - help please
As usual, please take a back up before installing. Upgrades are handled automatically by installing the product file on top of an existing installation. You can downgrade back to 2.1.0 if necessary by uninstalling and then reinstalling 2.1.0 - this will not lose your database.