Originally Posted by msgotit
I know that it isn't sending the email, and what not, part of the problem, is that if your board is very big (a lot of users), running this and having all of that happen will be very server intensive, for those that have a lot of users it often would bring their board down, if you don't have that many users, I could probably find an older copy that would do all of that. I will look into just the email part, you might be ok if you just did that, although I don't know for sure. Let me know what you would like and I will see what I can do!
Mark, its ok .. i dont plan to use this hack for the whole board. I use it really for staff and when i need them to know something and i want their attention.
For the rest of the board i use the mass email sending ..
so if you could find that ability to send the email notifications; i would like to try it..