First, thanks to MrNase and Andreas for making this modification available.
I installed this, using MrNase's original concept, and it appears to work. (To test something like this, I have to post a test reply in a thread using -- again for test purposes only -- a second login account equal in privileges to that of an ordinary Registered user.)
Two questions:
1) As an ordinary Registered user, after making a post to a thread that I had set to be moderated (while logged in as the site admin), I saw a notification that the thread to which I had replied was being moderated. This notification screen, however, went away a little bit too quickly, so that I didn't have time to read the full notice about the thread being moderated. Is there any way to increase the amount of time a user sees that notification screen?
2) It appears that administrators and moderators can see that a thread is being moderated, because of a little icon that shows up to the right of the thread title. I see this when logged in as site admin. I don't see this when I'm logged on as an ordinary Registered user, however. How do ordinary Registered users know a thread is being moderated? (Maybe there's already a mechanism for this built into vBulletin. I will admit to being somewhat unfamiliar with moderation to begin with.)
Thanks in advance for your help.
David Gillaspey
The Church Webmasters' Forum