Is the help file is missing?
What do you need the "#" for?
Where do you set the colors for users?
Originally Posted by djlotus
As you can see, this is my first post. I am a complete noobie at installing hacks/plugins. I understand how to read and find files. I am having a hard time locating the file you refer to in the downloaded .zip (Forumhome) I have scowered all folders and files within my forums directory and the only file that I have found that contains the string you refer too is a file called "vbulletin style.php". When i inserted the appropriate code, There was no change in the forum. I made sure I activated the plugin. Any suggestions? Remember, I'm a noobie.
Originally Posted by amykhar
Kai, this mod doesn't add colors. You have to do that yourself in your vbulletin settings. This is merely a LEGEND for the colors you already have.
Originally Posted by kallelm
Intalled and was very easy, however, one of my usergroups will not show up in the color I had in the usergroups. I checked the code in the edit usergroup.. and it's exactly the same as the other groups (with expeption of the color choice). IN fact, I copy pasted, then just altered the color number (yes I remembered the #) I tried different colors..nothing will work with the Super Moderator. HELP!
Let me add, however, that the supermod's color is the color I assigned it, just not in the legend.
SO: I go and add the Registered Users to White..and now it is their color that doesn't show up on the legend???
I'm sure it is something stupid I've done. Help?