Hmm, can't seem to find where in the code the

button is located??
Searched through all of the templates, but nothing.
(the reason why I can't see it anywhere on the page is because my images folder on my ftp has become unavailable for any changes, so I had to put the 3 warn images in a folder of their own, and now have to find the code so I can change the location..)
And now I've translated as much as I can find to translate, guess I'll have to be satisfied with myself for now.
But I can't seem to find where the text for the topic or post text is for the posts that show up in a selected forum (selected that all warnings show in a selected forum)
Topic on post:
Warning: User: "user" - Warner: Luggruff - Date: 11-12-2005 at 17:45
Leading text in post:
User "User" received the following Warning/Alert by Luggruff on 11-12-2005 at 17:45 :
wich template is this?? can't find o_0