I found a little bug in this 2.5.3+ . The bug is in the time played.
It only record the time played for the 1st time you play, after that it will update only the score WITHOUT updating the time played.
For example, for the first time I play game
1992 with a score of 100 in 30 seconds, it will record a score of 100 and played in 30 seconds. Second time I play 1992, I got a score of 20,000 in 4 mins 5 secs, and it will record my new score of 20,000 but the time played is NOT updated, and it will still be 30 seconds.
This bug is not a big deal, but if you want to know how long the champion of a game spent to get the highest score, you wouldn't be able to. You only see his/her 1st game's time played.
If this bug can be squashed then this ibProAcade is purrrrrfect!