Originally Posted by WNxWakko
Can anyone answer my question? bump.
Edit includes/functions_warning.php and find:
$title="Permanently Banned";
I believe that if you remove that all together, then the software will use the defaiult title of the user group, but I have never tested it. If it does not, just change the Permanently Banned to whatever you like.
Originally Posted by turkforum
I created a new group, Moderator helper.. What they do is just move/del/edit things but I dont want them to have power for warnng members..Is there any option that just specific groups can use aws?
I have never tried that, but I think that if you enter your admin/smod/mod groups in AWS options, and if you do not enter that particular group (mod helpers) then your mods should be able to use AWS, but your moderator helpers will not. That's what you want, right?