Do you have a running, functioning system on a DB backend other than MySQL? I'd be very interested to learn of your success and/or failures, and in which areas. I'm just getting to the testing portion (migrating data as we speak, in fact).
Updates won't be straight-forward, for sure. Thus far I haven't gone through one at all -- I simply ran the (converted) vBulletin installer, which generated a clean new system with a PostgreSQL backend. I then wrote a very simple app that does nothing more than truncate the PG tables, and then select data from MySQL tables and insert it into the PostgreSQL tables. My plan is to grab each set of changed PHP files and simply do a DIFF against the original Jelsoft-delivered code. Once I have a clear idea of what changed, manually patching in the changes should be relatively straight forward. The PHP upgrade scripts in the /install folder will need to be tweaked for each update though, so the database changes are applied properly. Those should not be too tough.