Some tests on the absolute links function gave the following process times, but that's on my machine:
0.322336 secs on run 1
0.395830 secs on run 2
0.347106 secs on run 3
0.327901 secs on run 4
0.373469 secs on run 5
0.3533284 average secs
To see if the function is the issue on your machine, in functions.php find:
function photoplog_absolute_links($src_input, $src_output, $src_link)
And temporarily replace with the following:
function photoplog_absolute_links($src_input, $src_output, $src_link)
return $src_output;
function photoplog_absolute_links_original($src_input, $src_output, $src_link)
Note that links will be incorrect, but we're doing this to see if you still get a timeout.