Originally Posted by Mr Blunt
It's failing on line 17 of install code 1.0.6
This is where it adds values to each of the new usergroup permission's fields.
Only thing that I can think of is that maybe you don't have permission to "alter database tables" in SQL, meaning the column isn't getting created. You should be able to check this if you can log into phpmyadmin.
If your not the main administrator who installed the forum, please ask him to verify that you have permission to alter tables AND please ask him to try installing the product for you.
If you are the only administrator, and you can't solve this, then PM me with login details for your Forum's AdminCP and your Server's Control Panel (like phpmyadmin).
If you figure out what the problem was, please reply so I'll know the source of that problem in the future.
I am sole owner. I have all the permissions.
I can execute requests SQL from my admincp
in my config.php
$config['SpecialUsers']['canrunqueries'] = '1';
it's me
other thing to make for this permission?