SuperMod+, a notch up to supervisor, but not an admin.
My moderators are frustrated.
The users are placing Signatures which are of need to be modified, but the SuperModerators can't do anything about this, other than Ban.
We want to give the SuperModerators the ability to modify the signatures of users.
The users request that their nick will be changed, so that should be the Supermoderator ability.
The users are enjoying the perks of posting in the "Everything goes" forum, but if they misbehave, we want to deny them access to that forum.
However, access list is only available to Administrators.
these 3 addition hacks are in need.
Supermoderator can Edit Signatures
Supermoderator can Edit Username
Supermoderator can change access to forums
NOTE: these are currently available only in Admin mode and they are part of "allow to make changes - alot of changes, or nothing at all".
I don't want to give the option to updrade/downgrade a user account, I don't want to give the option to change password, I don't want to give anyother permissions, other than the additional 3 options.
Can this be done?