I've hacked mine very slightly so that people can't change the custom titles of staff members (i.e. moderators, super moderators and administrators -- based on primary group).. this is because disgruntled peeps may abuse the system.
If you want to, here's how..
Open ./uttstore/action.changeothertitle.php
Find (line 34 ish):
PHP Code:
$changed = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT userid, username FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."user WHERE ".$field."='".addslashes($data)."'");
Replace with:
PHP Code:
$changed = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT userid, username, usergroupid FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."user WHERE ".$field."='".addslashes($data)."'");
Find (line 57 ish) (if using search, serch for one of the lines only, I've removed tabs):
PHP Code:
if ($usertitle != fetch_censored_text($usertitle)) {
$message = "Usertitle contains a censored word and is not allowed. Pick another one and try again.";
Add below:
PHP Code:
if (($changed['usergroupid'] == '5') OR ($changed['usergroupid'] == '6') OR ($changed['usergroupid'] == '7')) {
$message = "You cannot change the usertitle of staff members.";