Originally Posted by Okie
i heard that you dont have vBLicense? and use just A support add in one of my friend so get your vblicense first and then come LIE HERE that u pay for vBSeo :nervous:
if he remove u .. then dont think it is because of me .. it is just because u start a Lie here .. and people dont like this ..
You say VBSeo is a scam. That is a lie.
Stop calling other people liars when you are guilty of it your self.
Would you just cuss already so that a mod will finally shut you up? It's pathetic that they let you keep attacking a company like vbseo and calling them a scam when
clearly that is not the case
but i hope that he dont make up his mind and remove you because i dont like to see this happen and u retern to your mind and stop trying to ads vBSEO .
Good luck :nervous:
I bought it, talk to me. I bought it, I like it, they support me when i ask questions, they work with me to expand the product, and they have done nothing but please me from that start.
Stop talking to people that do not have the license and talk to me, a paying customer who runs his script on a fairly active board and could not be
happier that he decided to do so.