Originally Posted by BrentWilson
When I say it isn't a scam, it isn't
Just shut up with your * Edited for content accusations and leave this thread to people with atleast half a brain
I use it and have been using it for months now.
I am very satisified with their support and the product I paid for. You are not. Stop the defamation of vbseo without valid proof
if u pay for it .. then good luck .. i called it scam because of the
vBSEO BETA ADS coming here trying to ads VBSEO and saying they pay when they dont so what that mean ? LIE and SCAM so you are the one who need to shut when u dont no nathing because i can list all their name here if it needed .. why i need to bother my self here .. just wait and find your self how many people here dont like the price of vBSEO/And closed source code this thread still not hot just give it time and u will see .. :nervous: