I missed the other two all together, that's what happens when I answer messages early in the morning.
Good points those two, but they require coding. And coding in the new environment (vBulletin 3.5) is not something I fancy. As I explained before, I've lost interest in this whole thing. My board is heavily hacked, both with hacks from here, and other patches I've done myself. I have to patch about 20 files every time a new vB release was coming out. Since there is no guarantee that all these hacks will be available for 3.5 and since I have no wish to recode everything to match the new vB standard, I know that my board will remain in vB 3.0.xx, probably for ever. So adding features to this version of AWS is not (how to say) my priority. Maybe Andreas could do that, although now with his new role, I do not know if he has the time for it.
I'll have a look at the code and see if you first idea can be easily implemented, somehow I believe it will not be that hard.
Well, I had a look and I do not even want to think about making those changes. Maybe some day, when I feel like doing this to my board, I'll post the code differences here. Don't hold your breath though.