Originally Posted by gio~logist
Thanks for the advice. Let me see if newegg or tigerdirect have any. I don't think it wise to buy it from www.dell.com (they'll overcharge).
If you're dealing with rebates, apparently avoid TigerDirect like the plague given their history. Behold their crappy 5.42 rating:
http://www.resellerratings.com/seller1983.html .
Buying from Dell is perfectly fine, especially for monitors where you can get some great deals. You just need to use several coupon codes. My $749 2001FP Dell 20" LCD monitor dropped to $464 after simply adding two publicly-available coupon codes. Check
http://www.fatwallet.com/forums/ .
Whenever I need reassurance about retailers, I just look at Best Buy:
http://www.resellerratings.com/seller1823.html (2.02). I agree completely. Best Buy sucks.