Originally Posted by lierduh
That is global/user setting, not by Forums. However it will be quite easy to implemented this as a hack through Plugin system. I will include this in the next version.
I got tired of waiting, so I threw together a quickie plugin that does this.
- add a plugin, the hook you want is "showthread_start"
- product is vbulletin (or you can create a product just for nntp hacks)
PHP Code:
global $vbulletin;
$thread = verify_id('thread', $threadid, 1, 1);
if ($thread) {
$sql = "SELECT newsgroupid FROM " .
"nntp_groups WHERE forum = " .
if($vbulletin->db->query_first($sql)) {
$vbulletin->userinfo['threadedmode'] = 2; // 1 - threaded, 2 - hybrid
This makes it so that usenet threads are forced into beng threaded or hybrid mode (you pick which)