Is this a port of tn3guy's hack and if yes, did you receive a permission to port it?
No, this is not a port, this is my own code. Which you can see if you compare it.
I have your Adv. Editing Options for Mods and Admins Installed. Members with EDITLEVEL_ADMIN or EDITLEVEL_SADMIN end up having either zero referrals or very large numbers of referrals. Wtf?
A version of Adv. Editing Options for Mods and Admins that was released prior to November 28, 2005 had such issue because, as a side effect, it set poster's lastpost dateline same as the post dateline. It has been fixed in the latest version of Adv. Editing Options Hack, please download it and re-install the XML.
What about WOL?
Don't worry. No "Unkown" locations for this hack. It says "Managing Invites" with a link to the actual invites management page.
So how are new invites given, if at all?
When you create a new invite using your new UserCP page, a unique invite key is generated. That key is sent in an e-mail to the address that you have specified. E-mail phrases for this hack are stored in "invites_letter", "invites_letter_note" and "invites_letter_subject" phrases.
What about importing the MSN/AIM/XXX contact list, like in MySpace?
MSN Grabber is featured in version 1.5.0 of this hack. 1.5.0, however, is not free anymore.
AIM and other grabbers are to be added later.
How can I see who invited who?
Install Referrer Statistics.
How come referrers are not updated when users register by invite?
This can happen if the "User Referrer" setting is off. Turn it on here:
vBulletin Options -> User Registration Options -> User Referrer -> Yes