Originally Posted by waza
Do the following (not tested, but it should work):
make a new plug-in in member_complete:
give it a name and add this code to it:
PHP Code:
$hasuserpageresult=$db->query_read("SELECT id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."userpages WHERE userid=".$userinfo['userid']."");
Then add somewhere in your MEMBERINFO template:
HTML Code:
<if condition="$hasuserpage">
<a href="userpage.php?u=$userinfo[userid]">Visit $userinfo[username] 's userpage</a>
the first part (plugin section) gave a database error which made the memberlist unviewable. also, how could I add the Visit X's userpage to the postbit pulldown menu under a user's name, but only for users that have a page? (where it says view profile, send a pm, find posts, add to budyylist)