It works fine for me in firefox, but not in IE like some of you notice, but have some other problem that want to post:
When I show my posts in a non vbpage, with something like this
(It uses the vB_BbCodeParser in the /includes/class_bbcode.php to convert the code from the post)
With this hack of auto resize, I have this error message in those pages:
Error: largerThan is not defined
And, of course the image don?t resizes
?Could anybody help me or improve the hack to make it work in non vb pages like parser do?
I have redden from Kongo that the function largerThan() is not needed so much
?would it solve the problem if I do that he said?
Originally Posted by kONGO
It's in the PHP function handle_bbcode_img_match you need to make the change. In that function it is quite clear where the change must be applied (it's a very small function).
Also, as an addition, there is no need to define the largerThan() function. Using
if (this.width > 700)
works just as well. I've tested this and it works beautifully on Firefox 1.5b2, IE6sp1, Opera 8.
?It brings many other problems like DanLai said?
Originally Posted by DanLai
I see the mod working for your site in IE. Maybe the mod is affected by some Javascript settings in IE? What version of IE are you using?
The ">" will cause problem when you try to edit the post.
Good to see everyone helping out each other.
?Could it be solved in other way?
By the way I want to say that this hack was wonderful for my forum, our moderation team was wondering something like this for so long. Thanks a lot for developing it