how many test users do u use ??
Hey all, I have 2 questions for some of the webmasters out here.
I'm sure most of you make one test user to test some mods maybe, or permissions. ? At times I have, all the users are very obvious tho, like testuser test1 test2 ect... and any post that are mad also look like testin just " ssssssss" "testtttttt"
"asdfas" usually just a few keys to make the post..
so here is my question, 1st. have you made test accounts ? and they obvious that they were for testing.
and 2nd. if you have made these that weren't knows as test id " test1" testuser" ect... do u use them to make your forum look active ? suck as post as nameX, nameY, nameZ and have a different post style for each ? like a different personally for each ?
i don't, i just use for testing features, but recently i seen a site ( I'm not naming names, not trying to give them traffic ) but this owner has 5-7 id's that were made id's but where posted as different ppl. I was pretty shocked that someone would do this and it makes up 90% of the sites post :O just wondering if its a common thing ? I had never heard of it b4