Originally Posted by Trosun
Still getting the
Invalid SQL:
SELECT arcade_challenges.*, touser.username AS tousername, fromuser.username AS fromusername, arcade_games.title FROM vb35_arcade_challenges
LEFT JOIN vb35_user AS touser ON (touser.userid=arcade_challenges.touserid)
LEFT JOIN vb35_user AS fromuser ON (fromuser.userid=arcade_challenges.fromuserid)
LEFT JOIN vb35_arcade_games AS arcade_games ON (arcade_games.gameid=arcade_challenges.gameid)
WHERE (status=0 AND touserid=1) OR (status=1 AND touserid=1 AND tosessionid=0) OR (status=1 AND fromuserid=1 AND fromsessionid=0);
MySQL Error : Unknown table 'arcade_challenges'
Error Number : 1051
My mistake, I missed another one.